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Get well soon

Say "get well soon" with Flowers
Flowers for Recovery

Send flowers to someone's home or straight to the hospital for their recovery. With a flowery standee and a loving greeting card, you will certainly bring joy and show the person that they are thinking of you and are there for you.

Have Flowers delivered to your Home for Recovery

After an accident, during an illness or just when you're not doing so well... you're happy about a flowery display. Sometimes it is better to send the bouquet home where the patient can be happy and enjoy the bouquet or the arrangement to the fullest.

Flowers to the hospital

Send Flowers to the Hospital

If you don't have time yourself or if the patient doesn't want a visit, you can send a nice seasonal bouquet of wishes for recovery straight to the bedside. Be it after an accident, an operation or after an illness, flowers are a joy to behold and put a smile on the patient's face. Show your loved ones, your neighbors, your co-worker that you are thinking of them with this gift.

Flowers to the Hospital

Sending well Wishes

A few nice words of encouragement complete the whole thing.
It doesn't always take a lot of words, but it's nice to read that someone thinks of you and then doesn't feel so alone.
Here, too, we have special motifs to wish you a speedy recovery in our selected range of greeting cards.

The greeting cards are printed directly for us in a Swiss company and labeled with our logo.

To the Greeting Cards
 Greeting card get well soon
Get well soon with flowers

A Flowery Sign for Recovery
Which Flowers go best?

When it comes to get well bouquets, we tend to prefer bright, bold, bright colors. They should convey joie de vivre and serve as an encouragement. In hospitals in particular, we do not use flowers that smell strongly, as they can quickly become obtrusive in the warm rooms.



The freesia is a delicately scented, fine spring flower. Its scent is very subtle and therefore not intrusive. The finely curved line of the flower gives the bouquets a natural freshness.

There are sweetheart carnations in a wide variety of colors, a popular cut flower especially in early summer, with their fine, small, often multicolored flowers. Throughout the year we use the Sweet William called Greentrick, which looks like a little moss in a bouquet.

The hydrangea looks pompous and playful at the same time. The flower that, with its many small blossoms, is united into one big one. Often the flower itself has color nuances from blue and green to violet. A flower that is back in fashion. It is often sourced from warm Ticino.